Wallpapers HD of the Bobs Burgers TV Show

Animated series broadcasted by the FOX network that follows the ups and downs of the Belcher family, who work from sunrise to sunset in their small-time restaurant: Bob's Burguers. Helped in running the restaurant by his wife and three children, Bob has great ideas about how to make his burgers, and apparently, they are better than the competition. The problem is that his family does not take favorable care of the service. In addition, the fact that it is not well located does not exactly help to increase the number of customers. So the family decides to reinvent the place by making a few changes and a spectacular reopening.

Linda, his wife, supports Bob's burger craze. Tina, his eldest daughter, 13, has trouble socializing and is a die-hard zombie fanatic. The middle brother, Gene, is an aspiring musician with a lively hunger for both adventure and food; and Louis, the youngest, who always wears bunny ears on his head, has a quirky sense of humor that will put Bob's Burguers in jeopardy.