Wallpapers HD of the End of Watch Movie

Two young Los Angeles police officers, Brian Taylor (Jake Gyllenhaal, 'Donnie Darko') and Mike Zavala (Michael Peña, 'Shooter: The Shooter'), are threatened with death by a drug cartel after they confiscate large amounts of money and many weapons from some of their members following a raid, dealing the organization a major blow in what was supposed to be a routine operation. The film goes deep into the lives of these two men and their work within the force, and we will see them from all possible perspectives provided by new technologies.

Director David Ayer (responsible for such shocking titles as 'Lives on the Edge' or 'Owners of the Street') and author of the screenplay of 'Training Day: Training Day'), uses the technique of "found-footage" (found footage), to give each of the scenes a greater impact and total immediacy, making the portrait of the lives of police officers is brutal and stark. The cast is completed by Anna Kendrick ('Up in the Air') and Natalie Martinez ('Dead Race').