Wallpapers HD of the Family Guy TV Show

This animated sitcom created by Seth MacFarlane ('Ted', 'Father made in USA') for the FOX network tells the crazy stories of the Griffin family located at 31 Spooner Street in Quahog, Rhode Island. Typically, the family's neighbors and friends are involved in many of these stories. Peter Griffin (voice of Seth MacFarlane) is the head of the family, he has few lights and every flaw you can imagine. His strange ideas will get him, his family and his friends into trouble. Lois Griffin (voice of Alex Borstein, 'Shameless'), inexplicably married to Peter, is a responsible mother but will also end up losing her temper because of her family. Together they have two children: Chris (voice of Seth Green, 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer') and Meg (voice of Mila Kunis, 'Those Wonderful 70's', 'Ted'), teenagers and pretty much outcasts with hardly any friends.

The family is rounded out by the tandem of Stewie (voice of Seth MacFarlane) and Brian (voice of Seth MacFarlane) - the baby and the family dog. Despite the young age of the one and the dogginess of the other, they are not only able to talk, but have deep discussions about life or Philosophy and even share quite a few adventures.