Wallpapers HD of the Frankenweenie Movie
About Frankenweenie
"Frankenweenie" is a stop-motion animated film known for its unique and quirky characters and its heartwarming tale of a boy and his resurrected pet. In this movie, viewers will encounter a range of memorable and fantastical characters.
Victor Frankenstein
Victor Frankenstein, voiced by Charlie Tahan, is the film's central character. He is a young and imaginative boy who brings his beloved pet dog, Sparky, back to life through a science experiment.
Sparky is Victor's loyal pet dog. After being reanimated, he becomes a stitched-together, but loving, companion to Victor.
Mr. Rzykruski
Mr. Rzykruski, voiced by Martin Landau, is Victor's eccentric science teacher. He inspires Victor's scientific curiosity and plays a significant role in the film's events.
Edgar "E" Gore
Edgar "E" Gore, voiced by Atticus Shaffer, is one of Victor's classmates and friends. He is an unusual character with a detachable and flying body part.
Elsa Van Helsing
Elsa Van Helsing, voiced by Winona Ryder, is another one of Victor's classmates and his neighbor. She plays a key role in the film's plot and events.